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Section one
场景 accommodation of Po Shan park
题型 填空  10
BMD hotel
Morning: running 1.tour
Price includes: free breakfast
Room: with little 3.balcony
Have a 4.pottery factory nearby
The second hotel Location close to 5.beach
Activities: 6.shopping mall nearby
Afternoon activities: go to see local 7.birds(单词复数)
The third hotel
Price includes free 8.internet
There is 9. gym  nearby
Afternoon activities: 10.cycling(易错,-ing形式)
该部分考察的是常见的accommodation住宿类话题,但是未出现常见的个人信息填写,如生日、名字等,考生需要对部分词汇有一个清楚的认识,如pottery, cycling等。
Section two
场景 the Hobson park
题型 选择  5 地图  5
选择  1-5
1.The scenery was first located in a  volcano
2两毛利人终止部落斗争   infighting
3.建的时间  1840 1860  B1842(数字与字母一起大写的问题需要注意)
4. many arts come from local residents
5. There people can see endangers animals of New Zealand.
Section three
场景 Art and live music in hospitals.
题型 选择  4 匹配  6
21-24(multiple choices)
21. Previous hospital put the art and music focused on
A children
B patients who have psychological problems
C medical staffs in the hospital
22. What the response from the staff when the arts was used as medical tool
Firstly the staff dislike it
23. Why not let the patients themselves turn on the music?
24. Woman’s attitude of the new hospital?
surprised it is less convenient for staff
25-30 matching
A patients send less time in the hospital
B patients who are more cooperative
C art and music have little impact on the hospital
D patients who concern more on details
E patients whose blood pressure and heart beat rate are average
F patients who ask foe less medication
G visual arts have more impact on the patients
The characters of patients
25 postnatal clinic-B
26 trauma and dissociation—C
27 day surgery clinic –E
28 children’s clinic –A
29 emergency –F
30 gynecology clinic -G(答案仅供参考)
Section four
场景 solving the problems of CO2 emission
题型 填空  10
31. To bury underground is  expensive
Sources for carbon dioxide
32.  Holland:  flowers
33.  UK: such as cultivating  potatoes(单词复数)
34.  US: Industrial production of  plastic
35. China: process working with coal mine and limestone
36.  Medicines
37.  Industry of  airline
38.  Portland cement: it needs a high temperature (易错词,注意拼写)when it hardens strength
39.  Whole cities(单词复数) in range
40.  May be used to produce  fuel

科目 雅思口语
考试日期 2016.1.30
hometown, museum, history, countryside, work or study, snacks, teacher, reading books, color, hurry time, house or apartment, stay up late, music concert, handwriting, subject, teamwork, travel, swimming, keep healthy, vegetables and fruits, shoes,
Part2 一件让你高兴的事 Part3 家庭特殊的happy event 为什么擅长做某事会让人happy ,如果没有表扬他们就不开心了么
Part2重要的谈话; Part3中国人日常谈话的主题,男女谈话的主题的不同,和陌生人谈话的主题
Part2 a person from news; Part3 围绕news 一大堆问题 is the way people report news different from before/ 名人的新闻是不是应该减少
Part2 你读过的一篇article 关于healthy的; Part3 围绕healthy 展开人们怎样保持健康,老人小孩政府该怎样做
Part2 道歉的人; Part3 say sorry一系列问题 if someone so rude你会提醒他吗 提醒他难吗
Part2 a happy event;Part3 happy, 关于很多人们快乐的因素,那些家庭活动让人们觉得开心,财富真的让人们开心吗
Part2是你想要尝试的运动,然后问了是不是enjoy那个运动。Part3问你经常运动吗,小孩子经常运动吗,他们是exercise还是do sport,老人经常运动吗,中国人身体好吗
Part2喜欢坐飞机的人 Part3头等舱浪费钱吗?住机场附近好吗?中国人喜欢坐飞机旅行吗?坐飞机跟坐火车比有啥好的?
Part2.有趣的动物; Part3公寓应不应养宠物,宠物与人类关系,过去与现在有什么不同
Part2. 未来目标. Part3. when should children set there goal? who can set goals for children?
Part2 描述一个你最喜欢的电视节目 Part 3电视节目广告多么 有教育意义的电视节目应该更多点么
Describe your TV programme
You should say
   what kind of TV programme it is
  what it is about
  why you like it
and explain whether it is popular in your country
   Let me talk about my favorite sitcom the Bing Bang Theory. The central characters in this show are Sheldon and Leonard. Both of them are Caltech physicists and they share an apartment. Leonard has an IQ of 173 but basically has no problem communicating with average people. Sheldon is even smarter with an IQ of 187, but always sticks to the routines and often has a hard time interacting with the ordinary people. Penny, their next-door neighbour, is a waitress who dreams of being an actress. Lenoard has a crush on her but they just seem to be completely different people. So Penny starts to show the two geniuses what real life is all about.
  The show is funny... hilarious! and most of the conversations are not just amusing, but very witty as well. I totally recommend it!

科目 雅思口语
考试日期 2016.1.30
hometown, museum, history, countryside, work or study, snacks, teacher, reading books, color, hurry time, house or apartment, stay up late, music concert, handwriting, subject, teamwork, travel, swimming, keep healthy, vegetables and fruits, shoes,
Part2 一件让你高兴的事 Part3 家庭特殊的happy event 为什么擅长做某事会让人happy ,如果没有表扬他们就不开心了么
Part2重要的谈话; Part3中国人日常谈话的主题,男女谈话的主题的不同,和陌生人谈话的主题
Part2 a person from news; Part3 围绕news 一大堆问题 is the way people report news different from before/ 名人的新闻是不是应该减少
Part2 你读过的一篇article 关于healthy的; Part3 围绕healthy 展开人们怎样保持健康,老人小孩政府该怎样做
Part2 道歉的人; Part3 say sorry一系列问题 if someone so rude你会提醒他吗 提醒他难吗
Part2 a happy event;Part3 happy, 关于很多人们快乐的因素,那些家庭活动让人们觉得开心,财富真的让人们开心吗
Part2是你想要尝试的运动,然后问了是不是enjoy那个运动。Part3问你经常运动吗,小孩子经常运动吗,他们是exercise还是do sport,老人经常运动吗,中国人身体好吗
Part2喜欢坐飞机的人 Part3头等舱浪费钱吗?住机场附近好吗?中国人喜欢坐飞机旅行吗?坐飞机跟坐火车比有啥好的?
Part2.有趣的动物; Part3公寓应不应养宠物,宠物与人类关系,过去与现在有什么不同
Part2. 未来目标. Part3. when should children set there goal? who can set goals for children?
Part2 描述一个你最喜欢的电视节目 Part 3电视节目广告多么 有教育意义的电视节目应该更多点么
Describe your TV programme
You should say
   what kind of TV programme it is
  what it is about
  why you like it
and explain whether it is popular in your country
   Let me talk about my favorite sitcom the Bing Bang Theory. The central characters in this show are Sheldon and Leonard. Both of them are Caltech physicists and they share an apartment. Leonard has an IQ of 173 but basically has no problem communicating with average people. Sheldon is even smarter with an IQ of 187, but always sticks to the routines and often has a hard time interacting with the ordinary people. Penny, their next-door neighbour, is a waitress who dreams of being an actress. Lenoard has a crush on her but they just seem to be completely different people. So Penny starts to show the two geniuses what real life is all about.
  The show is funny... hilarious! and most of the conversations are not just amusing, but very witty as well. I totally recommend it!

科目 写作
考试日期 2016.1.30
The diagram shows how an office building looks at present and the plan for its future development.

In recent years, many countries focus on reducing the traffic on the road, for example, introducing the congestion tax on vehicles during rush hours, do you think it is a positive or negative development?
2013 Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2015.10.10 Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In the contemporary society, a series of problems generated by traffic have adversely affected public’s lives to some extent. Therefore, the advice that jam tax should be encouraged is likely to be adopted in some parts of the world. Personally, this practice may be feasible.
This is largely because it may bring many benefits to citizen. Initially, it would alleviate traffic congestion and environmental pollution. If public are discouraged to drive cars, they would avoid traveling in the rush hours. As a result, traffic flows would be reduced to a wider extent. Besides, traffic tax would be a solution to traffic problems. It is undoubted that government’s financial revenue would be added to a large extent. As a result, these tax raised by government could be utilized to ameliorate traffic facilities, aiming to provide better public transport services. Ultimately, traffic issues are possible to be tackled, which would be beneficial to people’s lives
However, imposing the congestion tax during the peak period may pose a negative effect as well. It would add extra cost to those who have to drive to and from work. In this case, people’s living burden would inevitably be added, which is against the aim of government policies. Thus, other better recommendations could served. For example, government should take constructive measures to deal with congestion, such as appropriate strategies to plan road, strict punishment on traffic offenses and real time monitor of traffic network. Only in these ways, can the concerned traffic jam be solved reasonably in the long term.
In conclusion, congestion tax should be recommended, but other feasible recommendations could play a vital role.

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