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Section one
题型 表格填空 3 配对 5 句子填空 2
1. workshop
2. discussion
3. library
9. box office telephone No. 013667772
10. address: 24, River Lane
Section two
场景 文娱场所
题型 6 填空 4 配对
内容回忆: children’s vegetable garden
1. tools ---- string
2. important thing ----- shade
3. young children use ------ spoon
4. snow peas: most popular for children
5. Cherry: easy to look after
6. lettus: colorful
7. sunflower: grow most rapidly activity:
8. bird walk
9. night tour
10. plants: roses
Section three
场景 话题讨论
题型 选择 6 填空 4
内容回忆: minority culture, around the world
1. Effect of one star on another
2. Assisting others
3. Methods of land use
6. have difficulties of trading minerals similarity between minority
7. sharing
8. education
10. gifts (答案仅供参考)
Section four
场景 城市规划
题型  填空 10
内容回忆: Barrington town planning case study
31-40 Completion Now traditionally: furniture industry services sector an insurance company too busy near the schools plan: 20,000 more jobs A new campus for university Reduce the traffic by 2090 A new scheme to encourage cycling Sq ms more for retail use As ms more for office use

科目 雅思口语
考试日期 2016.2.20
hometown, museum, history, countryside, work or study, snacks, teacher, reading books, color, hurry time, house or apartment, stay up late, music concert, handwriting, subject, teamwork, travel, swimming, keep healthy, vegetables and fruits, shoes,
Part 2&3
Part2 a piece of news people interested in your local town Part3 News in newspaper or computer
Part2 a perfect job  Part3 与job有关
Part2 你认为对社会有贡献的人Part3在中国什么职业有高薪和低薪,老人应该比年轻人拿的工资更高吗?
Part2 a difficult decision p3各种choice in your life
Part2 困难的决定 Part3:小时候的决定影响未来?adult的选择?人生最重要的决定?
Part2房子 Part3是老人年轻人选择房子有什么区别 人们更喜欢买房子还是租房子 现在大部分家庭是住house还是flat
Describe a hard decision you made
You should say
  What the decision was
  When and where you made the decision
  Why you made the decision
and explain how you feel about the country
 I've made lots of decisions in my life; sometimes all alone and sometimes discussing with my parents and others. The particular decision that seems very important to me was the time when I decided to do my graduation in Literature rather than getting admitted in the Engineering University. My mother wanted me to get admitted in the Eng. University and do my graduation majoring Engineering while my fascination was studying in Literature. I took decision when I was 18 years of old, just after finishing my 12th class. My father did not insist me on anything and asked me to do what I prefer better for me. My relatives thought that I was kind of fool and immature to take such a big decision of my life.
  But after considering several issues and perspective I decided to get myself admitted in a University that offers graduation in Literature. I'm happy that I made this decision. I'm yet to finish my graduation but throughout the last 3 years I have enjoyed studying literature and I am doing quite well academically.
  Making the decision/ choice was not easy and I had to go through a hard time as I remember. I had to fight a lot with my inner self and then convince my mother. There were always risks of picking the option I prefer my parents would have complained if I hadn’t make a promising result. I still remember the dubious feelings I had that time. Sometimes it seemed to me that I should abandon my passion and yield to my parents' decision and then again I strongly felt for my own choice and passion. Since I made my own choice at that time, a strong urge and force worked on me that I have to do really good and I am happy that I took my decision and doing very good so far.

科目 阅读
考试日期 2016年2月20日
Passage One
题目:Tasmanian Tiger
题型:摘要题 4 配对题 5单选题 3
Tasmanian Tiger
Although it was called tiger, it looked like a clog with black stripes on its hack and it was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modem times. Yet, despite its fame for being one of the most fabled animals in the world, it is one of the least understood of Tasmania's native animals. The scientific name for the Tasmanian tiger is Thylacine and it is believed that they
have become extinct in the 20th century.
Fossils of thylacines dating from about almost 12 million years ago have been dug up at various places in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. They were widespread in Australia 7, 000 years ago, hut have probably been extinct on the continent for 2, 000 years. This is belived to be because of the introduction of dingoes around 8, 000 years ago. Because of disease, thylacine numbers may have been declining in Tasmania at the time of European settlement 200 years ago, but the decline was certainly accelerated by the new arrivals. The last known Titsmanijin Tiger died in I lobar! Zoo in 193fi and the animal is officially classified as extinct. Technically, this means that it has not been officially sighted in the wild or captivity for 50 years. However, there are still unsubstantiated sightings.
Hans Naarding, whose study of animals had taken him around the world, was conducting a survey of a species of endangered migratory bird. What he saw that night is now regarded as the most credible sighting recorded of thylacine that many believe has been extinct for more than 70 years.
"I had to work at night." Naarding takes up the story. "I was in the habit of intermittently shining a spotlight around. The beam fell on an animal in front of the vehicle, less than 10m away. Instead of risking movement by grabbing for a camera, I decided to register very carefully what I was seeing. The animal was about the size of a small shepherd dog, a very healthy male in prime condition. What set it apart from a dog, though, was a slightly sloping hindquarter, with a fairly thick tail being a straight continuation of the backline of the animal. It had 12 distinct stripes on its back, continuing onto its butt. knew perfectly well what I was seeing. As soon as I reached for the camera, it disappeared into the tea-tree undergrowth and scrub."
The director of Tasmania s National Parks at the time, Peter Morrow, decided in his wisdom to keep Naarding's sighting of the thylacine secret for two years. When the news finally broke, it was accompanied by pandemonium. "I was besieged by television crews, including four to five from Japan, and others from the United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand and South America," said Naarding.
Government and private search parties combed the region, but no turther sightings were made. The tiger, as always, had escaped to its lair, a place many insist exists only in our imagination. But since then, the thylacine has staged something of a comeback, becoming part of Australian mythology.
There have been more than 4, 000 claimed sightings of the beast since it supposedly died out, and the average claims each year reported to authorities now number 150. Associate professor of zoology at the University of Tasmania, Randolph Rose, has said he dreams of seeing a thylacine. But Rose, who in his 35years in Tasmanian academia has fielded countless
reports of thylacine sightings, is now convinced that his dream will go unfulfilled.
"The consensus among conservationists is that, usually; any animal with a population base of less than 1, 000 is headed for extinction within 60 years," says Rose. "Sixty years ago, there was only one thylacine that we know of, and that was in Hobart Zoo," he says.
Dr. David Pemberton, curator of zoology at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, whose PhD thesis was on the thy thylacine, says that despite scientific thinking that 500 animals are required to sustain a population, the Florida panther is down to a dozen or so animals and, while it does have some inbreeding problems, is still ticking along. "I'll take a punt and say
that, if we manage to find a thylacine in the scrub, it means that there are 50-plus animals out there. "
After all, animals can be notoriously elusive. The strange fish known as the coelacanth' with its "proto-legs", was thought to have died out along with the dinosaurs 700 million years ago until a specimen was dragged to the surface in a shark net off the south-east coast of South Africa in 1938.
Wildlife biologist Nick Mooney has the unenviable task of investigating all "sightings" of the tiger totalling 4, 000 since the mid-1980s, and averaging about 150 a year. It was Mooney who was first consulted late last month about the authenticity of digital photographic images purportedly taken by a German tourist while on a recent bushwalk in the state. On face value, Mooney says, the account of the sighting, and the two photographs submitted as proof, amount to one of the most convincing cases for the species' survival he has seen.
And Mooney has seen it all—the mistakes, the hoaxes, the illusions and the plausible accounts of sightings. Hoaxers aside, most people who report sightings end up believing they have seen a thylacine, and are themselves believable to the point they could pass a lie-detector test, according to Mooney. Others, having tabled a creditable report, then become utterly obsessed like the Tasmanian who has registered 99 thylacine sightings to date. Mooney has seen individuals bankrupted by the obsession, and families destroyed. "It is a blind optimism that something is, rather than a cynicism that something isn't, "Mooney says. "If something crosses the road, it's not a case of * I wonder what that was?' Rather, it is a case of 'that's a thylacine!' It is a bit like a gold prospector's blind faith, 'it has got to be there'. "
However, Mooney treats all reports on face value. "I never try to embarrass people, or make fools of them. But the fact that I don’t pack the car immediately they ring can often be taken as ridicule. Obsessive characters get irate that someone in my position is not out there when they think the thylacine is there. "
But Hans Naarding, whose sighting of a striped animal two decades ago was the highlight of "a life of animal spotting", remains bemused by the time and money people waste on tiger searches. He says resources would be better applied to saving the Tasmanian devil, and helping migratory bird populations that are declining as a result of shrinking wetlands across
Could the thylacine still be out there? "Sure," Naarding says. But he also says any discovery of surviving thylacines would be "rather pointless". "How do you save a species from extinction? What could you do with it? If there are thylacines out there, they are better off right where they are. "
Questions 14-17
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.
The Tasmanian tiger, also called thylacine, resembles the look of a dog and has 14 ______ on its fur coat. Many fossils
have been found, showing that thylacines had existed as early as 15______ years ago. They lived throughout 16______before
disappearing from the mainland. And soon after the 17______settlers arrived the size of thylacine population in Tasmania
shrunk at a higher speed.
Questions 18-23
Look at the following statements (Questions 18-23) and the list of people below. Match each statement with the correct
person, At B, C or D.
Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 18-23 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
18 His report of seeing a live thylacine in the wild attracted international interest.
19 Many eye-witnesses ' reports are not trustworthy.
20 It doesn't require a certain number of animals to ensure the survival of a species.
21 There is no hope of finding a surviving Tasmanian tiger.
22 Do not disturb them if there are any Tasmanian tigers still living today.
23 The interpretation of evidence can be affected by people's beliefs.
List of People
A Hans Naarding
B Randolph Rose
C David Pemberton
D Nick Mooney
Questions 24-26
Choose the correct letter. A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet.
24 Hans Naarding's sighting has resulted in
A government and organisations' cooperative efforts to protect thylacine
B extensive interests to find a living thylacine.
C increase of the number of reports of thylacine worldwide.
D growth of popularity of thylacine in literature.
25 The example of coelacanth is to illustrate
A it lived in the same period with dinosaurs.
B how dinosaurs evolved legs.
C some animals are difficult to catch in the wild.
D extinction of certain species can be mistaken.
26 Mooney believes that all sighting reports should be
A given some credits as they claim even if they are untrue.
B acted upon immediately.
C viewed as equally untrustworthy.

Passage Two
题目:Making images from space
more accessible amateur
题型:段落配 4 人名配 5 填空 3
题型:判断题 8
1. True
2. False
3. Not Given
4. True
5. True
6. Not given
7. False
8. Not given
9. applications
10. bright
11. attention
12. air
13. filaments
Passage Three
题型:判断题 4单选题 6配对题 4
参考答案 1. Yes 2. No 3. Not Given 4. No 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. F

科目 写作
考试日期 2016.2.20
The chart and graph show the categories of workforce in Australia and the unemployment within
3 groups.

Now more and more ads are aimed at children. Some people say the ads will have negative
effects on children and should be banned. To what extent, do you agree or disagree with the
Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have
negative effects on children and should be banned. Agree or Disagree.
Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone's life. Some people say that
advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is negative. Do positive effects of
advertising outweigh its negative sides?
There is no doubt that we are surrounded by a large number of advertisements, particularly with increasing those targeting children, which brings more or less effects on our lives. Thus, some people hold its negativeness would affect children and should be forbidden. As for me, I believe this advice may be arbitrary.
A large quantity of advertising on media may cause a series of problems. Initially, some advertisements would be baneful to children’s health. It is common knowledge that some of them selling junk food leads to the falling health condition of children. For example, some unhealthy food contains excessive sugar and fat, which would lead to obesity. In addition, some ads are highly possible to waste a large amount of money from parents earned hard. Some advertisers may elaborately be designed with attractive pictures, appealing sound effects and favorite stars children like. Consequently, once children see the advertisements, they would keep pestering their parents to buy these products that they do not actually need at all.
However, we also have to admit that advertisements indeed play an irreplaceable role in
everyone’ s part of life. It is undeniable that the original aim of advertising is to provide information for consumers. For instance, when parents make a decision to purchasing products for their sons and daughters, those ads appeared on the TV may offer relevant useful information as a reference for parents, such as children care, daily items and so on.
Overall, we should realize that the existence of a considerable number of advertisements aimed to children inevitably exerts a harmful influence on children. But, on the other hand, the usefulness and convenience bought by ads should not be neglected. As a result, the best way is that government should impose strict censorship on misleading and fault advertisements rather than ban all advertisings.

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