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题型Completion 10
内容概述: A woman want to find a new site for her own company.
1.    The woman’s title: manager(请注意title的用法,此处表示的是头衔)
2.    Preferred location near the station
3.    company size: total staff number: 40(数字的考察;staff和stuff的区分)
4.    Preferred date: May(时间的考察)
5.    The size of new office: 12000 square meters (数字的考察)
6.    Remove the booths in conference room (注意单词复数)
7.    There are boards
8.    storeroom needs enlargement, too small
9.    kitchenis needed some improvements
10. The terrace is with a view of river outside
内容回忆: 画家
11. uncle
12. lit hands(拼写难度较高)
13. politician(拼写难度较高)
14. scenery(同理,词汇在日常出现频率较低,有一定难度)
15. birds
16. street
17. destroyed(注意单词后-ed)
18. daylight(可以连写)
题型Multiple choice 6, Matching 4
内容回忆:Fiona and Daniel organizing a debate. 两学生讨论他们的辩论大纲
21. The girl choose to debate because                      
B. it is placed even at secondary school      C. after talking with her friend  
22.what can they learn from the debate practice their listening and speaking skill
23.how did Daniel and Fiona plan their debate
A. collect all students’ topic B. voting for either the girl or boy     C.choose from a list themselves
24. Why divide into 2 teams then          
A. everyone gets more chance to speak      B. involve them into debate
25.What can be benefits as …..? B. less confidents
26.What will lecturer to do after debate
A. making comments on their writing    C. writing an essay       
27-30 Matching
A key point                      27 procedure – handout for key point on summary
B give handouts of articles        28 body language – give a demonstration
C writing on board                       29 access resource – give handouts of articles
D give a demonstration              30 summary draft – writing on board
E ask for suggestions  
题型Completion 10
内容回忆:lost written language 濒危语言的讲座
31-40 Completion
31.need a lot enough materials(注意单词复数)
32.有一种文字 writing word in clay tablet was the oldest
33.according to the context of words (根据上下文推断出意思)
34. samples(容易出现单词混淆现象,如simple,sanple等)
35. 有些文字出现在 monuments(易错点,生词)

科目 雅思口语
考试日期 2016.3.12
hometown, museum, history, countryside, work or study, snacks, teacher, reading books, color, hurry time, house or apartment, stay up late, music concert, handwriting, subject, teamwork, travel, swimming, keep healthy, vegetables and fruits, shoes,
Part 2&3
part2一个喜欢的家庭(不是自己家); part3父母,爷爷奶奶对孩子的影响,怎么做一个合格的家长
part2 崇敬的长者, part3 老人的生活如今有改善吗,老人对过去的经历是乐观态度吗,老人和年轻人可以相互学习到什么
part2有趣的小说; part3各种问题有关小说电影?什么类型的小说应该被拍成电影? 人们喜欢小说吗?
part2 Describe a day when you had a day off from work or school Where would you spend the day What would you do? Who would you spend the day with Why you would spend the day in this way? part3 Do you think people have to work longer hours nowadays? Why is that? Do people prefer a long holiday or many short holidays? What is the difference between how women and men spend their day off? Why?
part2.一部喜欢的电影; part3.电影的教育意义,儿童电影小时候看跟现在看什么区别等等。
part2 遗忘; part3 人们为什么会遗忘 忘记人的名字怎么办 人们会做什么记住事情
Describe an article about health from a magazine or on the Internet
You need to say
When you read it
What its main idea is
What effects it has on you
and explain whether it is useful to you
   Last Saturday, when I was staying at home browsing the webs, I accidently saw an article about fad diets. The title was quite appealing since I was on diet and trying to find more effective ways to lose weight, so I clicked the link and started to read the article. The main idea of the article is to reveal the negative parts of the fad diets. It mentions that fad diets can indeed lead to weight loss if you follow them exactly as they are designed, but that doesn’t mean every food that fits a diet is helathy. The rules of the fad diets are difficult to follow for a long term, so most people give up. The weight they worked so hard to lose comes back, and they find a new diet, lose the weight once more, and end up on a weight loss roller coaster. This kind of yo-yo dieting can be bad for our health, so the article suggests us to give up fad diets and change to a healthy diet. the article also tells us how to pick the healthy food. It says that the closer the food is to its natural state, the better it is for us. So food like fresh fruits, vegetables and fish should be included in our diets, while fried food and sugary snacks should be avoided. After reading the article, I changed my opinion to fad diets. In order to lose weight, I had tried various fad diets before and couldn’t stick to follow the rules. This article had pointed out the bad effects of fad diets and I totally agree with the view that a healthy diet is much better than a fad diet. After all, health is more important than beauty.

科目 阅读
考试日期 2016年3月12日
Passage One
题目:Typography Introduction of Printed books
题型:T/F/NG 4 Summary 9
文章大意: 两个德国人去 Italy 的一个地方, 后来又搬去了 Rome,之后很多商人就开始注意到印刷 的潜在经济价值。
答案: 1-4 T/F/NG 1. Early books have many errors – F
2. 活字印刷里就记得在 M**某个地方只有富人才买得起书 – T
3. 刚开始 printing 的书,插图 illustration – T
4. Business man in Roma begin to notice the value of printing can make money – F
5-11 Summary
 5. 类似流程图从上往下一步步说怎么印刷 6-7. Assembling Fonts: sheet of paper 8. 第 1 版是用来更正错误的 proof reading 9. types……pages are in right sequence 10. Local newspapers做宣传 11-12. 问两种印刷方法的单词: binding and simulating 13. They lived very near to the book industry (答案仅供参考)
Passage Two
题目:Art in Iron and Steel
题型:段落信息匹配 5 人物观点配对 5 Summary 4
参考文章: Art in Iron and Steel
   A Works of engineering and technology are sometimes viewed as the antitheses of art and humanity. Think of the connotations of assembly lines, robots, and computers. Any positive values there might be in such creations of the mind and human industry can be overwhelmed by the associated negative images of repetitive, stressful, and threatened jobs. Such images fuel the arguments of critics of technology even as they may drive powerful cars and use the Internet to protest what they see as the artless and dehumanizing aspects of living in an industrialized and digitized society. At the same time, landmark megastructures such as the Brooklyn and Golden Gate bridges are almost universally hailed as majestic human achievements as well as great engineering monuments that have come to embody the spirits of their respective cities. The relationship between art and engineering has seldom been easy or consistent.
 B The human worker may have appeared to be but a cog in the wheel of industry, yet photographers could reveal the beauty of line and composition in a worker doing something as common as using a wrench to turn a bolt. When Henry Ford's enormous River Rouge plant opened in 1927 to produce the Model A, the painter/photographer Charles Sheeler was chosen to photograph it. The world's largest car factory captured the imagination of Sheeler, who described it as the most thrilling subject he ever had to work with. The artist also composed oil paintings of the plant, giving them titles such as American Landscape and Classic Landscape.
C Long before Sheeler, other artists, too, had seen the beauty and humanity in works of engineering and technology. This is perhaps no more evident than in Coalbrookdale, England, where iron, which was so important to the industrial revolution, was worked for centuries. Here, in the late eighteenth century, Abraham Darby III cast on the banks of the Severn River the large ribs that formed the world's first iron bridge, a dramatic departure from the classic stone and timber bridges that dotted the countryside and were captured in numerous serene landscape paintings. The metal structure, simply but appropriately called Iron Bridge, still spans the river and still beckons engineers, artists, and tourists to gaze upon and walk across it, as if on a pilgrimage to a revered place.
D At Coalbrookdale, the reflection of the ironwork in the water completes the semicircular structure to form a wide-open eye into the future that is now the past. One artist's bucolic depiction shows pedestrians and horsemen on the bridge, as if on a woodland trail. On one shore, a pair of well-dressed onlookers interrupts their stroll along the riverbank, perhaps to admire the bridge. On the other side of the gently flowing river, a lone man leads two mules beneath an arch that lets the towpath pass through the bridge's abutment. A single boatman paddles across the river in a tiny tub boat. He is in no rush because there is no towline to carry from one side of the bridge to the other. This is how Michael Rooker saw Iron Bridge in his 1792 painting. A colored engraving of the scene hangs in the nearby Coalbrookdale museum, along with countless other contemporary renderings of the bridge in its full glory and in its context, showing the iron structure not as a blight on the landscape but at the center of it. The surrounding area at the same time radiates out from the bridge and pales behind it.
 E In the nineteenth century, the railroads captured the imagination of artists, and the steam engine in the distance of a landscape became as much a part of it as the herd of cows in the foreground. The Impressionist Claude Monet painted man-made structures like railway stations and cathedrals as well as water lilies. Portrait painters such as Christian Schussele found subjects in engineers and inventors — and their inventions — as well as in the American founding fathers. By the twentieth century, engineering, technology, and industry were very well established as subjects for artists.
F American-born Joseph Pennell illustrated many European travel articles and books. Pennell, who early in his career made drawings of buildings under construction and shrouded in scaffolding, returned to America late in life and recorded industrial activities during World War I. He is perhaps best known among engineers for his depiction of the Panama Canal as it neared completion and his etchings of the partially completed Hell Gate and Delaware River bridges.
 G Pennell has often been quoted as saying, "Great engineering is great art," a sentiment that he expressed repeatedly. He wrote of his contemporaries, "I understand nothing of engineering, but I know that engineers are the greatest architects and the most pictorial builders since the Greeks." Where some observers saw only utility, Pennell saw also beauty, if not in form then at least in scale. He felt he was not only rendering a concrete subject but also conveying through his drawings the impression that it made on him. Pennell called the sensation that he felt before a great construction project 'The Wonder of Work". He saw engineering as a process. That process is memorialized in every completed dam, skyscraper, bridge, or other great achievement of engineering.
H If Pennell experienced the wonder of work in the aggregate, Lewis Hine focused on the individuals who engaged in the work. Hine was trained as a sociologist but became best known as a photographer who exposed the exploitation of children. His early work documented immigrants passing through Ellis Island, along with the conditions in the New York tenements where they lived and the sweatshops where they worked Upon returning to New York, he was given the opportunity to record the construction of the Empire State Building, which resulted in the striking photographs that have become such familiar images of daring and insouciance. He put his own life at risk to capture workers suspended on cables hundreds of feet in the air and sitting on a high girder eating lunch. To engineers today, one of the most striking features of these photos, published in 1932 in Men at Work, is the absence of safety lines and hard hats. However, perhaps more than anything, the photos evoke Pennell's "The Wonder of Work" and inspire admiration for the bravery and skill that bring a great engineering project to completion.
Questions 14-18 Reading Passage 2 has eight paragraphs, A-H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.
14 Art connected with architecture for the first time.
15 small artistic object and constructions built are put together
16 the working condition were recorded by artist as an exciting subject. 17 mention of one engineers' artistic work on an unfinished engineering project
18 Two examples of famous bridges which became the iconic symbols of that cities
Questions 19-23 Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-F) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-F in boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet.
List of people
A Charles Sheeler
B Michael Rooker
C Claude Monet
D Christian Schussele
E Joseph Pennell
F Lewis Hine
19 who made a comment that concrete constructions have a beauty just as artistic processes created by engineers the architects
20 who made a romantic depiction of an old bridge in one painting
21 who produced art pieces demonstrating the courage of workers in site 22 who produced portraits involving subjects in engineers and inventions and historical human heroes.
23 who produced paintings of factories and named them ambitiously

Questions 24-27 Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet. Iron bridge Coalbrookdale, England
In the late eighteenth century, as artists began to capture the artistic attractiveness incorporated into architecture via engineering and technology were captured in numerous serene landscape paintings. One good example, the engineer called 24________ had designed the first iron bridge in the world and changed to using irons yet earlier bridges in countryside were constructed using materials such as 25________ and wood. This first Iron bridge which across the 26________ was much significant in the industrial revolution period and it functioned for centuries. Numerous spectacular paintings and sculpture of Iron Bridge are collected and exhibited locally in 27________, showing the iron structure as a theme on the landscape.
答案: 待补充
Passage Three
题目:Fluoridation in the water
题型:第一大题:选择题 第二大题: YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 第三大题:完成句子题
文章大意: 氟化物添加对健康影响
关于要不要对饮用水进行 fluoridation,有两派意见。其中一派以科学家为主,认为 fluoridation 有利于防止 tooth decay,没有理由不用;另外一派有社会学家有主,认为这个过程有潜在的风险,应该让人们自主决定要不要用含fluoride 的产品,而不应该强制性地在所有用水中加入这些化学物质。然后文章开始讨论科学也不是完全客观的,它也会受到社会因素的影响,它也是有偏见,有解读的空间的。科学研究的结果不应该被当作放诸四海皆准的真理。
答案: 1. how hot is the area A
2. people should not be forced to take compulsory medication
3. to demonstrate that scientists' finding will be influenced by social factors.
4. ?
5. science should not decide policy
6. scientific and social factors should be separated. NO
7. Many sociologist ignore S(人名)'s study. YES
8. S(人句) 's work was not emphasized by scientists outside the northern America. NOT GIVEN
9. Both supporters and opponents have made valid argument. YES
10. science is objective and unbiased
11. can be affected by social factors
12. scientific discovery cannot be understood at first
13. cautious action is not necessary
14. people should have the right to choose
本次考试难度适中,话题涉及到历史类,科技类和建筑类。历史类的文章可以参考C10T1P1 stepwells 和C9T4P3 the development of museums,科技类参考C9T2P2 venus in transit。考试时候,可以根据自己熟悉或者擅长的领域去优先选择文章做,做到控制好时间,尤其在第一篇文章的时间不宜过长。

科目 写作
考试日期 2016.3.12
The table graph gives information about the number of students employed in different types with the first degree in four countries in the United Kingdom in the year 2001.
We can get information from the chart that the highest percentage was in the Scotland in terms of permanent employment (43.6). However, the lowest proportion can be seen in the Northern Ireland (20), which merely was half that of students from Scotland. It is interesting that the number of students graduated from England and those from Wales almost stood at the same level(33 and 30 respectively). Similarly, when it comes to temporary employment, the most students gained this opportunities compared with other areas (20.2) and the bottom percentage of this type was in the Northern Ireland( only 8.6).
By contrast, the amount of overseas employment was as not considerably much as that of other classifications. It is striking that students from Northern Ireland work overseas most. The number of students from Scotland was absolutely equaled that of students from England at 2.3. Finally, the difference in the total of employment in the four countries in UK was not obvious. The first one is Scotland (66.4)whereas the last comes Northern Ireland, occupying 56.
Overall, more students chose to work at home than abroad, meanwhile, the number of students who received permanent jobs significantly outweigh other types of employment.
In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for
instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
题型类别: 观点类——同意不同意
题材类别 社会类
2012.04.28 原题
In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing
and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
08.02.02 = 13.04.18
Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans. Other people think it
is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
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