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Section 1
新旧 V08101
场景 旅游
题型 填空10
1.       tour types: group trip
2.       maximum days of stay: 13 (数字考察)
3.       month: November (时间月份的考察)
4.       Address: 4060, Liberty Road (此地名不太常见,注意从发音中辨析单词)
5.       chose the A tour agency of the Adventure
6.       do not need: No visa required
7.       choose journey for: view over mountain
8.       tour sail they can see: dolphins and whales (鲸鱼,注意拼写)
9.       offer free pick at the airport to hotel
10.   extra travel please inform in: at the end of the holiday
Section 2
场景 服装公司招聘
题型 单选1+填空9
11.   B. introduce new product
12.   scientists
13.   accountants
14.   engineers
15.   to be collaborative (注意日常不常用词汇的积累)
16.   to be loyal
17.   to be hard-working
18.   company will offer free transportation
19.   The firm provides a fitness center for employees and their family. (健身中心,难度不大)
20.   the company organized a seminar about the latest development in fashion in workplace. (不常见词,会议的一种)
Section 3
新旧 V08314
场景 调查讨论
题型 单选6+配对4
21.   C. people who earn living in the area
22.   A. reply immediately/directly via electronic digital images
23.   A. given by a group representative
24.   C. take into consideration of both sides
25.   A. earn respect
26.   C. some of information is confidential
27.   maps-E. professional journals
28.   photos-C. local newspaper
29.   not on budget-A. council meeting
30.   comments-F. radio
解析:典型的校园讨论场景,但题型较棘手,Section 3部分设置选择加配对容易让考生产生疲劳,但相对而言,材料的难度不高。
Section 4
新旧 V08415
场景 巴西国家土著公园
题型 填空5+单选5
31.   map covers the areas of 39000 hectares (数字较大,需要注意0的个数)
32.   this rain forest is the: world’s biggest national park
33.   cooperation from: government, scientists and help from local tribes (生僻词)
34.   they applied the GPRS data, local knowledge and aerial photographs
35.   some places are unmarked, besides forest, the plants used for medicine to grow (注意单词拼写)
36.   C. protect the local and world forest land
37.   A. develop the community
38.   B. local history
39.   A. language barriers
40.   A. we won local people’s contribution

科目 雅思口语
考试日期 2016.3.31
hometown, museum, history, countryside, work or study, snacks, teacher, reading books, color, hurry time, house or apartment, stay up late, music concert, handwriting, subject, teamwork, travel, swimming, keep healthy, vegetables and fruits, shoes,
Part 2&3
Part2 long car journey; Part3 所有人都有车是好事吗 不买车方便吗 车比公共交通好在哪里
Part2 animal; Part3 你的国家喜欢养动物吗,养什么动物,喜欢大动物还是小动物,养动物干什么,过去养动物和现在的区别,养电子宠物还是真动物
Part2 被污染的地方;Part3 中国人关心环保吗 为什么不关心 我们可以从哪些方面保护环境 中国的常见污染 这些污染的来源
part 2 a day off; Part3 和假期有关的, 男人和女人放松自己的方式是否相同, 和压力有关的话题 压力影响大吗, 工作时间有关的话题 过去与现在的工作时间对比
Part2新技能; Part3你认为小孩在学校应该学习什么技能,现在和过去 技能有了什么变化, 什么样子的技能能让你在工作上成功
Part2 儿时美好的回忆; Part3 儿时家人交流
Part2 item of clothing; Part3 校服
Part2 新闻中想见的人;Part3:以前的广播和现在的区别、什么人上新闻 是否关于名人的新闻他多 广播今昔区别 媒体是否应首先注重新闻真实性
Part2 a perfect job ,Part3关于job的各种问题
Part2街道; Part3街道安全性多重要, 商城服务态度之类的
Part2 第一次使用外语的经历;Part3 小孩子什么时候学外语最好
Part2 买过的让你开心的东西; Part3 购物相关的问题
Part2 Perfect Job; Part3: 什么导致工作popular,小朋友popular的Dream job,the difference between a good co-worker and a bad co-worker when u r working?
Part2 有趣的电视节目; Part3 ,电视的好处坏处
Part2 别人给的衣服; Part3 问了一些文化地域差异对服装的影响、工作制服和校服
Part2 我做过的crafts Part3 苏州的传统手工艺品
Part2 从报纸或杂志上读的文章; Part3人们为什么读杂志、不同的人读不同的杂志吗、不同性别会读不同杂志吗、你觉得是看新闻图片还是看报道让你印象深刻、青少年杂志的利弊
Describe a TV program you love.
You should say:
what this TV program is
when it airs on TV
what features this TV program has
and explain why you love this TV program
Speaking of a TV program, I want to talk about Win in China, one of the most popular programs of CCTV2. CCTV 2 is the economy focused channel of the CCTV (China Central Television) Network in China.
This program has been pretty high in the ratings for many years. It is a program in which people who have a burning desire to run their own business compete with each other to win venture capital of 10 million RMB. In the meantime, some successful entrepreneurs are also invited to be the judges and share their experiences of running their own business. Each episode has something that is worth watching and learning. Those invaluable words from the successful entrepreneurs are really priceless. One day I was watching it, I was totally impressed by what Ma Yun, one of the chief judges, said on this TV program. Ma Yun is the CEO of Alibaba, the world’s largest online marketplace for global trade.
He said on Win in China, “In the world of business, there is a terminology which is called “the First Rule”, For example, to Americans, they all know the person who first flew across the Atlantic; and no one knows the name of second person who did it. But they can all remember the third person because that person is the first lady who did it and obviously she owns a “First”. That is to say, if you wanna stand out today, you have got to own a “first”. It has already become a label for being successful.” Seriously, those words inspired me a lot.
    And I think this is exactly what I love about “Win in China”. It always enables me to learn something that I can never learn from anywhere else.

科目 阅读
考试日期 2016年3月31日


科目 写作
考试日期 2016.3.31
A 类小作文
A 类大作文
Nowadays, children spend longer hours playing computer games and less time doing sports. What are the causes and is it a positive or negative development? 
题型类别: 观点类
题材类别: 社会类
Nowadays, an increasing number of children devote their more time and energy to computer games rather than outdoor activities. Objectively speaking, the phenomenon is detrimental to children’ s daily lives. Then, I will analyze the reasons accounting for the situation in this essay.
The reason why computer games occupy the majority of children’ s life mainly lies in the following points. Initially, the popularity of electronic devices affects profoundly children’ s lives. It is obvious that the number of people who can own mobile phones is on the rise, compared with the previous eras, particularly among children with the advancement of telecommunication technologies. For example, most open areas are equipped with the network, which maximizes the possibility of access to the Internet for most teenagers. In addition, children who are lack of self discipline usually tend to get addicted to computer games. It is worth mentioning that computer games are designed elaborately to attract players’ attention and appetite with vivid animation effect and appealing sound. As a result, once children are lured by this game, they are easy to be addicted to cyber games.
Accordingly, the status quo exerts a negative influence on children’ development to some extent. It may impair teenagers’ eyesight, which leads to nearsightedness. It has proved that gazing the screen for a long time would impose a fatal harm on their retina. Besides, their physical health is also in deteriorated condition for this case. Out of excessive time spent on computer games, they will be lack of enough exercises, which triggers some health issues, such as obesity. Consequently, it will pose a threat to their academic performance.
Overall, it is noted that this condition actually gives rise to some baneful impacts to children’ s growth. Thus, society and government should take immediate measures to relieve the situation.

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