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Section 1
场景 租房子
题型 填空
版本 V14120651
1. Address : Tythe road(注意拼写,地址考察)
2. Artists on the radio, painters and furniture designers.
3. Top floor
4. The earliest date to move in 1st January(时间的考察,得分题)
5. 3 months(同上)
6. 150 pounds(价格考察,基本数字)
7. Locker
8. Phone
9. Photo
10. Station
分析:本篇Section 1属于中规中矩的住宿类话题,难度很低,加上若干数字及基础拼写的考察,考生应当得到高分。其他词汇方面,都没有难词,但要注意第七题的locker,需要正确拼写。
Section 2
场景 健身俱乐部业余活动
题型 选择、地图
版本 V14120652
11. Equipment update
12. B. will be successful
13. Half a day
14. C. annually
15. Write name
17. Badminton court
18. Cafe
19. Bathroom
20. Swimming pool
Section 3
场景 入学讨论
题型 匹配、填空
版本 V14120683
21. C
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. Ecosystem
26. Equipment
27. Map
28. Living expenses
29. Survey Methods
30. Insect
分析:本篇听力是常见的入学校园生活的场景,难度不高,词汇方面,要注意ecosystem, expenses等词汇,并留心单复数问题,不要因为失误和粗心而造成失分。
Section 4
场景 学术讲座-纳米科技应用介绍
题型 填空10
31. Development in Nanotechnology is because of a new type of microscope.
32. People worry about Nanotechnology products are unnatural.
33. Nanotechnology reduce the cost of chocolate.
34. Pieces of furniture
35. Fertilizers
36. Flavor
37. Drugs
38. Lose weight
39. Sliver
40. Nutrition
分析:本篇听力作为第四部分最常见的科普类话题考察,难度不大,但词汇方面需要注意日常积累,如microscope,unnatural, chocolate, furniture, fertilizers, nutrition等都容易错误拼写。

科目 雅思口语
考试日期 2016.4.30
hometown, museum, history, countryside, work or study, snacks, teacher, reading books, color, hurry time, house or apartment, stay up late, music concert, handwriting, subject, teamwork, travel, swimming, keep healthy, vegetables and fruits, shoes,
Part2 &3
Part2 梦寐以求的职业 Part3 关于职业各种问题 认为什么样的职业好一些 可以得到什么东西
Part 2.未来想去的国家; Part 3.去国外旅游, 生活的一系列问题
Part2.对社会有贡献的人; Part3.学校教育
Part2 你小时候最喜欢的一个玩具。Part3说的是doll,然后就是一堆doll的问题,应该是照纸上的问题都改成了doll了。
Part 2 local news; Part 3 local community
Part 2 一个长时间的决定; Part 3 关于耐心的
Part 2 讲自己做handcraft的经历; Part 3各种关于中国传统工艺品的问题
Part 2:第一次说外语; Part 3:年轻人和老年人学外语的原因的不同 有必要学习阅读外语文章吗
Part 2你想住的一个房子; Part 3 你想住房子还是公寓, 年轻人和老人更愿意住城市还是乡村, 城市和乡村的利弊
Part2 an important festival; Part3 问了大概十个节日和庆祝相关的问题
Part2 网上看到关于健康生活的文章; Part3关于健康人们改做什么,看杂志的用处
Part2:当地新闻; Part3:人们喜欢看报纸么,当地新闻还是国内新闻更受欢迎
Part 2,borrowed something useful; Part 3,关于借东西
Part2近水之地; Part3现在和过去用水量比较?为什么?
Part 2 天气原因改变计划; Part 3 围绕天气问的, 天气类型, 喜欢什么样的天气, 不同天气的影响
Part2 第一次用外语交流的经历; Part3 用外语交流重要吗 是用外语说话难还是阅读难
Part2:forget something; Part3:怎么提高记忆力、好的外语学习者是因为有好的记忆吗
Part 2 photograph; Part 3 大多数人用什么拍照?为什么用这个拍照?为什么拍照越来越简单?什么东西让拍照越来越简单?还问了 人们为什么要拍照 为什么要存照片 存照片有啥用
Part 2 杂志和报纸; Part 3书和杂志比较,电视和杂志,运动杂志
Describe a time that you forgot something.
You should say:
when this happened
what you forgot to do
who you were with
and what consequences you face
I would like to tell you about when I forgot something. I am going to tell you about a photograph album that I lost. I bought it when I was on a shopping trip to Nanjing.My mum had given me a lot of old photos and I needed something to store these precious memories.
It was a couple of years ago on a cold winter afternoon. I was walking around with my dad in a local shopping mall, just wandering about with some time on our hands. There were so many things to see on each floor. But then a photo album in the corner grabbed my attention. I just thought that it was incredibly perfect in design; it even had a silk cover. I was impressed by the flame red words written on the cover saying “good memory”. I knew this was just the thing for the family snaps so I bought it without any hesitation. Later we went to Starbucks for coffee and a bite to eat. But when we got on the train to go back home I suddenly found it was not with me. I must have left it there. I was so imitated by my own carelessness and how stupid I was.
When my family heard this, they said, “what a pity”, but even now they still tease me about my poor memory. Now when I forget something, they say, “Where is your album?”

科目 阅读
考试日期 2016年4月30日

科目 写作
考试日期 2016.4.30
Task 1 : 组合图(柱+线)—动态图
Task 2:
People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than on other factors. To what extent you agree or disagree?
It is widely acknowledged that there are many factors conducive to people’s purchasing behaviors. A number of people advocate that customers’ consuming appetite is largely determined by their age rather than other elements such as income and advertisement. Personally, I hold a contradictory standpoint.
It is obvious and reasonable that young shoppers tend to expend much more money than their parents or grandparents. Initially, young people, who are desperate to equip themselves with knowledge and professional skills for their future challenges, may need to allocate a large amount of money into educational training program and even some examinations. Besides, the young group especially women are indulged in fashionable or even luxurious items like perfumes and jewelry. In comparison, the elderly, most of whom have already lead a peaceful and secure life with no worries about their occupation or future, live an economical lifestyle, except when they have to spend a large percentage of their income on health care.
It is worth mentioning, however, that individuals’ income and commercials also serve as stimulants apart from the age. It is understandable that those with high disposable income are more capable of buying expensive goods and services, organic vegetables and SPA for example. Comparatively, consumers with relatively lower income may frequently be engaged by low priced items, for instance, fast food or clothes on special, because they cannot afford extravagant expense. In addition to this, the omnipresent commercials, especially those associated with their beloved superstars, can affect a host of social citizens. They adore their idols and expect to intimate them in many aspects especially fancy clothes or accessories, which spurs their consuming lust.
To sum up, people’s desire for shopping can be inspired by many contributors. Not only the age group but also could their income and appealing advertisements account for their consumption.

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